Realm Grinder Wikia

Brainwave is Faceless's faction spell that increases all buildings' production progressively over the duration of the spell. This spell can be enhanced just by extending its duration, which is possible through Druid Challenge 4 Reward and various Researches.

Because of its long duration, it is impractical to get many casts in the same game, as most runs will end under a few hours. For requirements that require getting spell cast counts, abdicating to reset all spells is a common strategy.

Spell Tiers

Five additional casts for Brainwave can be unlocked, up to tier 6. Buying the spell tier upgrade costs coins, Fairy and Undead Faction Coins. Their cost are as following:

  • Tier 2: Costs 57 Ocd coins, 50 B faction coins
  • Tier 3: Costs 27.85 Tvg coins, 2.013 T faction coins
  • Tier 4: Costs 13.61 Ocvg coins, 81.03 T faction coins
  • Tier 5: Costs 6.649 Ttg coins, 3.262 Qa faction coins
  • Tier 6: Costs 3.249 Octg coins, 131.3 Qa faction coins

  • Tier 2: Costs 5.7e58 coins, 5e10 faction coins
  • Tier 3: Costs 2.785e73 coins, 2.013e12 faction coins
  • Tier 4: Costs 1.360e88 coins, 8.103e13 faction coins
  • Tier 5: Costs 6.649e102 coins, 3.262e15 faction coins
  • Tier 6: Costs 3.249e117 coins, 1.313e17 faction coins

  • Tier 2: Costs 57e57 coins, 50e9 faction coins
  • Tier 3: Costs 27.85e72 coins, 2.013e12 faction coins
  • Tier 4: Costs 13.60e87 coins, 81.03e12 faction coins
  • Tier 5: Costs 6.649e102 coins, 3.262e15 faction coins
  • Tier 6: Costs 3.249e117 coins, 131.3e15 faction coins

  • Every tier bought increases the duration of the spell by 10 seconds.


    Brainwave effect is modified in the following ways:

    • Research S375 (Spellcraft Research "Illusion")

